
T-Mobile: 7,2 Mbit/s überall bis 2010

In seinem gesamten UMTS-Netz hat T-Mobile die Erweiterungen HSDPA und HSUPA eingesetzt. Dies berichtet der Netzbetreiber im Rahmen der CeBIT und gibt einen Ausblick auf den weiteren Netzausbau.

An den meisten Standorten kann man über HSDPA Daten mit bis zu 3,6 Mbit/s auf Handy oder Laptop laden. An über 1.000 Standorten sind sogar bis zu 7,2 Mbit/s möglich.

Telekom-Stand CeBIT 2009
Telekom-Stand CeBIT 2009

Der weitere Ausbau orientiert sich am konkreten Bedarf. Dort, wo die Kunden intensiv auf das Internet zugreifen, wird vorrangig mit neuer Technik aufgerüstet.

UMTS nicht flächendeckend, aber EDGE

Auch beim Upload von Daten über HSUPA gibt es diese Differenz. An den meisten Standorten lassen sich Daten mit bis zu 1,4 Mbit/s verschicken, an wenigen sogar mit bis zu 2,0 Mbit/s.

Bis 2010 möchte T-Mobile das Netz mit HSDPA 7,2 und HSUPA 2,0 überall dort ausgestattet haben, wo es UMTS gibt. UMTS selbst ist aber nicht flächendeckend verfügbar, sondern nur in den Ballungsräumen sowie in Städten mit mehr als 50.000 Einwohnern.

Außerhalb des UMTS-Netzes kann man allerdings über EDGE mit 260 Kbit/s flächendeckend im mobilen Internet surfen.

Eine Stunde WLAN kostenlos bei McDonald's

Zusätzlich unterhält T-Mobile in Deutschland mehr als 8.000 WLAN-Hotspots. Diese finden sich an Flughäfen, in Hotels und Restaurants sowie in rund 50 ICE-Zügen. Weitere Züge und Strecken sollen in diesem Jahr hinzukommen.

In allen deutschen McDonald’s-Filialen kann jeder Gast ab sofort täglich eine Stunde kostenlos per WLAN surfen, mailen oder chatten.

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3. March 2009 | 20:26 Uhr | Peter Giesecke | Trackback

Tags: Netzausbau, T-Mobile, CeBIT 2009, HSDPA, HSUPA, WLAN-Hotspot, EDGE, McDonald's, flächendeckend, UMTS



G'Day! Iphonescope, Speaking of which, So I am gaining the Iphone 4. And I know that there is a 5 meegpixal digital camera with led flash on the again. But apple has not stated how some mega-pixel's the entrance digital camera is or any other specifications. Does any one know???? Kindest Regards
Avinash | 23.10.2015 | 17:38 Uhr


AFAICT you've coevred all the bases with this answer! [url=]yfyagssod[/url] [link=]ozgvgprgi[/link]
Badis | 25.10.2015 | 03:41 Uhr


AFAICT you've coevred all the bases with this answer! [url=]yfyagssod[/url] [link=]ozgvgprgi[/link]
Badis | 25.10.2015 | 03:41 Uhr


AFAICT you've coevred all the bases with this answer! [url=]yfyagssod[/url] [link=]ozgvgprgi[/link]
Badis | 25.10.2015 | 03:42 Uhr


I read this post and I found it so interesting for me. That's becsuae I need to keep up to date with all new in the smartphones technology field. Many thanks for these useful information and waiting for more articles like this one.
Samuel | 26.10.2015 | 15:32 Uhr


I read this post and I found it so interesting for me. That's becsuae I need to keep up to date with all new in the smartphones technology field. Many thanks for these useful information and waiting for more articles like this one.
Samuel | 26.10.2015 | 15:33 Uhr


I read this post and I found it so interesting for me. That's becsuae I need to keep up to date with all new in the smartphones technology field. Many thanks for these useful information and waiting for more articles like this one.
Samuel | 26.10.2015 | 15:33 Uhr


Apple launched iPhone 5 today. RIM is in tbuorle already. iPhone 4 and 4S down priced. Not good for anyone.RIM owns BBM. Enterprise users who went stylish with i4 phones figured out how to work around BBM with co-workers.This phone could have staunched the flow, but at this price point I'd be shocked if they sold more than 20 units in the States.At 500 unlocked they'd have done well ..
Kaan | 04.12.2015 | 10:31 Uhr


wrote:I was wondering if I could just get the wifi ipad2 and make my iPhone 4 a hpootst to use the data of my phone rather than paying for more data on the iPad.My knowledge of this feature is this. You pay for a data package for your iPhone ( Most of us with iPhones do that anyway ) and then you can make your iPhone 4 a wireless hpootst. You can then connect to it via the iPads WIFI connection. So you are only paying for one data package on your iPhone and sharing it with your iPad. 98% sure that is how that works. (wowpartyz has made 52 comments)
Gisela | 09.12.2015 | 20:43 Uhr


wrote:I was wondering if I could just get the wifi ipad2 and make my iPhone 4 a hpootst to use the data of my phone rather than paying for more data on the iPad.My knowledge of this feature is this. You pay for a data package for your iPhone ( Most of us with iPhones do that anyway ) and then you can make your iPhone 4 a wireless hpootst. You can then connect to it via the iPads WIFI connection. So you are only paying for one data package on your iPhone and sharing it with your iPad. 98% sure that is how that works. (wowpartyz has made 52 comments)
Gisela | 09.12.2015 | 20:45 Uhr


wrote:I was wondering if I could just get the wifi ipad2 and make my iPhone 4 a hpootst to use the data of my phone rather than paying for more data on the iPad.My knowledge of this feature is this. You pay for a data package for your iPhone ( Most of us with iPhones do that anyway ) and then you can make your iPhone 4 a wireless hpootst. You can then connect to it via the iPads WIFI connection. So you are only paying for one data package on your iPhone and sharing it with your iPad. 98% sure that is how that works. (wowpartyz has made 52 comments)
Gisela | 09.12.2015 | 20:46 Uhr


I was drawn by the hostney of what you write [url=]mefdix[/url] [link=]xtzjeaopb[/link]
Luis | 12.12.2015 | 01:48 Uhr


I was drawn by the hostney of what you write [url=]mefdix[/url] [link=]xtzjeaopb[/link]
Luis | 12.12.2015 | 01:51 Uhr


I was drawn by the hostney of what you write [url=]mefdix[/url] [link=]xtzjeaopb[/link]
Luis | 12.12.2015 | 01:53 Uhr


(Wireless Phone Accessory) First off, let me start by saying that I do love this phone, and detpise the flaws it has I'm STILL baffled over it, and I still haven't gotten over that it's a phone, and not just a toy. (I came from a Blackberry, and this just has so many advantages over it) Pros: -Quick! Much faster than my Blackberries I can send messages without any lag, there's generally very little delay between selecting programs and having it open. -Sleek! I've gotten a few comments about it being a cool looking phone, and one person didn't want to stop playing with it! -Surprisingly cheap! When I was looking at phones, I generally didn't want to spend over $150, but when I saw what this came with and the general reviews of it, I couldn't pass it up. This is cheaper than any Android upgrade T-Mobile would give me, and the cheapest Android phone I could find! -Android OS This is huge! So many people develop apps for this system, it's awesome. There is literally an app for everything that I've wanted so far, and plenty more that I haven't wanted, haha. Cons: -Android 1.6 This is upgradable, but apparently LG had issues with the OS or something, so they took it down. You can potentially upgrade it by getting root access, which is essentially like jailbreaking an iPhone, or something like that. It gives you access to things that you normally wouldn't have, but not without its own issues. You can potentially brick your phone and have it be just that, a very expensive paperweight. I would do this but right now I'm just so happy with the upgrade I don't need it. -Pain to set up When I first received it, I just popped in my SIM card and I could text/talk no problem. Picture messages were a different story. For some reason I could not receive picture messages detpise normally being able to do so with my Blackberries. I was told I would need a data plan for it by a T-mobile representative. This did not fix the issue. I continued to talk to three total T-mobile reps and none of them could get me to receive picture messages (or web, after the data plan was added to test it). I only found out how to do this by browsing the T-mobile forums and finding the right Access Point Names (APNs) to use in order for it to work. I will post these settings at the end of the review. -Steep learning curve I still haven't learned how to type on the virtual keyboard after 4-5 years of typing on the Blackberry keyboard! I make errors like crazy! Other Thoughts: -I don't have a case for this yet (thanks to slow shipments..) so I'm afraid it will scratch easily as I always carry my phone in the same pocket as my keys (I -WISH- I could change this habit, but it's too awkward after years of doing this). I'm simply avoiding carrying my phone in that pocket until then, but that's not really the phone's fault. -Sometimes it takes a little while to switch to the home screen. Simple fix is shutting the screen off and turning it back on. Really it's only once in a while, and the home screen DOES return, I'm just too lazy to wait those 5 seconds after being spoiled by how quick it normally is APN Settings for T-Mobile I only pulled these off of the T-Mobile forums. I don't know what effects these settings will have if you have a different carrier or whatever, but these work for T-mobile so far. For this we'll need 2 APN entries. ============= Create FIRST APN, set as below, leave as-is for all others not mentioned: Name: t-mobile APN: (or you can try others like etc.) APN type: default save apn. Create SECOND APN, set as below, leave as-is for all others not mentioned: Name: t-mobile MMS [...] MMS proxy: MMS port: 8080 APN type: mms save apn. ============= Once it is done, you should have 2 APNs. The APN t-mobile MMS does not have a clickable radio button on the right. Best to restart phone. Sending or Receiving MMS: Your 3G sign will first disappear for several seconds, then reappear. Though not obvious, the 3G sign now is for t-mobile MMS APN. Once it has finished doing all the sending and receiving, the 3G sign disappears again. After several seconds, the 3G sign reappears again. Though not obvious, the 3G sign now is for t-mobile APN. You may resume your normal data connectivity/Internet. -Huge thanks to CyFox on the T-mobile forums for writing this guide, I'm merely the messenger here. [url=]llylgg[/url] [link=]njqcmdeib[/link]
Mina | 15.12.2015 | 21:39 Uhr


(Wireless Phone Accessory) First off, let me start by saying that I do love this phone, and detpise the flaws it has I'm STILL baffled over it, and I still haven't gotten over that it's a phone, and not just a toy. (I came from a Blackberry, and this just has so many advantages over it) Pros: -Quick! Much faster than my Blackberries I can send messages without any lag, there's generally very little delay between selecting programs and having it open. -Sleek! I've gotten a few comments about it being a cool looking phone, and one person didn't want to stop playing with it! -Surprisingly cheap! When I was looking at phones, I generally didn't want to spend over $150, but when I saw what this came with and the general reviews of it, I couldn't pass it up. This is cheaper than any Android upgrade T-Mobile would give me, and the cheapest Android phone I could find! -Android OS This is huge! So many people develop apps for this system, it's awesome. There is literally an app for everything that I've wanted so far, and plenty more that I haven't wanted, haha. Cons: -Android 1.6 This is upgradable, but apparently LG had issues with the OS or something, so they took it down. You can potentially upgrade it by getting root access, which is essentially like jailbreaking an iPhone, or something like that. It gives you access to things that you normally wouldn't have, but not without its own issues. You can potentially brick your phone and have it be just that, a very expensive paperweight. I would do this but right now I'm just so happy with the upgrade I don't need it. -Pain to set up When I first received it, I just popped in my SIM card and I could text/talk no problem. Picture messages were a different story. For some reason I could not receive picture messages detpise normally being able to do so with my Blackberries. I was told I would need a data plan for it by a T-mobile representative. This did not fix the issue. I continued to talk to three total T-mobile reps and none of them could get me to receive picture messages (or web, after the data plan was added to test it). I only found out how to do this by browsing the T-mobile forums and finding the right Access Point Names (APNs) to use in order for it to work. I will post these settings at the end of the review. -Steep learning curve I still haven't learned how to type on the virtual keyboard after 4-5 years of typing on the Blackberry keyboard! I make errors like crazy! Other Thoughts: -I don't have a case for this yet (thanks to slow shipments..) so I'm afraid it will scratch easily as I always carry my phone in the same pocket as my keys (I -WISH- I could change this habit, but it's too awkward after years of doing this). I'm simply avoiding carrying my phone in that pocket until then, but that's not really the phone's fault. -Sometimes it takes a little while to switch to the home screen. Simple fix is shutting the screen off and turning it back on. Really it's only once in a while, and the home screen DOES return, I'm just too lazy to wait those 5 seconds after being spoiled by how quick it normally is APN Settings for T-Mobile I only pulled these off of the T-Mobile forums. I don't know what effects these settings will have if you have a different carrier or whatever, but these work for T-mobile so far. For this we'll need 2 APN entries. ============= Create FIRST APN, set as below, leave as-is for all others not mentioned: Name: t-mobile APN: (or you can try others like etc.) APN type: default save apn. Create SECOND APN, set as below, leave as-is for all others not mentioned: Name: t-mobile MMS [...] MMS proxy: MMS port: 8080 APN type: mms save apn. ============= Once it is done, you should have 2 APNs. The APN t-mobile MMS does not have a clickable radio button on the right. Best to restart phone. Sending or Receiving MMS: Your 3G sign will first disappear for several seconds, then reappear. Though not obvious, the 3G sign now is for t-mobile MMS APN. Once it has finished doing all the sending and receiving, the 3G sign disappears again. After several seconds, the 3G sign reappears again. Though not obvious, the 3G sign now is for t-mobile APN. You may resume your normal data connectivity/Internet. -Huge thanks to CyFox on the T-mobile forums for writing this guide, I'm merely the messenger here. [url=]llylgg[/url] [link=]njqcmdeib[/link]
Mina | 15.12.2015 | 21:40 Uhr


(Wireless Phone Accessory) First off, let me start by saying that I do love this phone, and detpise the flaws it has I'm STILL baffled over it, and I still haven't gotten over that it's a phone, and not just a toy. (I came from a Blackberry, and this just has so many advantages over it) Pros: -Quick! Much faster than my Blackberries I can send messages without any lag, there's generally very little delay between selecting programs and having it open. -Sleek! I've gotten a few comments about it being a cool looking phone, and one person didn't want to stop playing with it! -Surprisingly cheap! When I was looking at phones, I generally didn't want to spend over $150, but when I saw what this came with and the general reviews of it, I couldn't pass it up. This is cheaper than any Android upgrade T-Mobile would give me, and the cheapest Android phone I could find! -Android OS This is huge! So many people develop apps for this system, it's awesome. There is literally an app for everything that I've wanted so far, and plenty more that I haven't wanted, haha. Cons: -Android 1.6 This is upgradable, but apparently LG had issues with the OS or something, so they took it down. You can potentially upgrade it by getting root access, which is essentially like jailbreaking an iPhone, or something like that. It gives you access to things that you normally wouldn't have, but not without its own issues. You can potentially brick your phone and have it be just that, a very expensive paperweight. I would do this but right now I'm just so happy with the upgrade I don't need it. -Pain to set up When I first received it, I just popped in my SIM card and I could text/talk no problem. Picture messages were a different story. For some reason I could not receive picture messages detpise normally being able to do so with my Blackberries. I was told I would need a data plan for it by a T-mobile representative. This did not fix the issue. I continued to talk to three total T-mobile reps and none of them could get me to receive picture messages (or web, after the data plan was added to test it). I only found out how to do this by browsing the T-mobile forums and finding the right Access Point Names (APNs) to use in order for it to work. I will post these settings at the end of the review. -Steep learning curve I still haven't learned how to type on the virtual keyboard after 4-5 years of typing on the Blackberry keyboard! I make errors like crazy! Other Thoughts: -I don't have a case for this yet (thanks to slow shipments..) so I'm afraid it will scratch easily as I always carry my phone in the same pocket as my keys (I -WISH- I could change this habit, but it's too awkward after years of doing this). I'm simply avoiding carrying my phone in that pocket until then, but that's not really the phone's fault. -Sometimes it takes a little while to switch to the home screen. Simple fix is shutting the screen off and turning it back on. Really it's only once in a while, and the home screen DOES return, I'm just too lazy to wait those 5 seconds after being spoiled by how quick it normally is APN Settings for T-Mobile I only pulled these off of the T-Mobile forums. I don't know what effects these settings will have if you have a different carrier or whatever, but these work for T-mobile so far. For this we'll need 2 APN entries. ============= Create FIRST APN, set as below, leave as-is for all others not mentioned: Name: t-mobile APN: (or you can try others like etc.) APN type: default save apn. Create SECOND APN, set as below, leave as-is for all others not mentioned: Name: t-mobile MMS [...] MMS proxy: MMS port: 8080 APN type: mms save apn. ============= Once it is done, you should have 2 APNs. The APN t-mobile MMS does not have a clickable radio button on the right. Best to restart phone. Sending or Receiving MMS: Your 3G sign will first disappear for several seconds, then reappear. Though not obvious, the 3G sign now is for t-mobile MMS APN. Once it has finished doing all the sending and receiving, the 3G sign disappears again. After several seconds, the 3G sign reappears again. Though not obvious, the 3G sign now is for t-mobile APN. You may resume your normal data connectivity/Internet. -Huge thanks to CyFox on the T-mobile forums for writing this guide, I'm merely the messenger here. [url=]llylgg[/url] [link=]njqcmdeib[/link]
Mina | 15.12.2015 | 21:41 Uhr


Pocketbrain - Newsticker - T-Mobile: 7,2 Mbit/s berall bis 2010
bonsai plant meaning | 08.06.2023 | 10:34 Uhr

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